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La paternidad y los espejos son abominables porque multiplican el número de los hombres... J.L.B.

28 de mayo de 2011

The Nights of Beauty

And so you think it is beauty…

But it is not.

It is just the screams of thy soul.

Just the caos of the mind.

Just the drums of the heart telling you to keep moving…


Beyond all hope.

Beyond everything worth to seek.

Todo es más allá de lo que se sueña, todo suena mucho más fuerte


Es sangre.

The very blood of you own.

Spreading all over the place…


Like the night of cold

‘ye olde’

Freezing sensation of being lost

Far away from home.

And theres no blade that could posibly help you

Because you are ill.


But there’s no pain at all.

Just calmness

Quiet cold


Y decadencia

What’ve just happened?

Nothing at all.

Miracolous tears


One by one

Why are we here?

There’s no blade that could drive me back home

Just stare.

Where’s the madness?

Where the hell is the hell?

Just here honey, but don’t worry at all…

I’m here, to live it with you, to live it for you.



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